Question & Answer Archive
Easter Egg Surface Area Answered Mar 11, 2008
By knowing the weight of one square inch of a substance, much can be derived in math class
Quadratic Mnemonics Mar 7, 2008
To memorize the quadratic formula, memory tricks can be a great help
Spheroids, Ellipsoids: Formulas for Scrambled Eggs Mar 4, 2008
Mathematically, an Easter egg is a 'scalene ellipsoid', not one of the oval spheroids
Easter Math and the Hatching of Ideas Feb 28, 2008
Using Easter eggs and color combinations, a range of mathematical concepts including permutations can be reviewed
The Mathematics of Leap Year Feb 27, 2008
We have Leap Year every 4 years because a day is really less than 24 hours
How to Draw the Two Kinds of Cubes Feb 24, 2008
Drawing 3-D cubes is fun with a little practice!
Houdini Time in Middle School Math Feb 24, 2008
Harry Houdini's birthday is in a few weeks, and it can provide opportunities for fun challenges
George Washington's Birthday Math, Continued Feb 22, 2008
Today is the anniversary of George Washington's birthday, so here is a continuation of math activities with a U.S. dollar
George Washington Math Feb 18, 2008
Friday is the anniversary of Washington's birthday, and a U.S. dollar can be used to practice estimation and other key concepts
Toothpick Math for Wednesday Feb 16, 2008
Toothpicks were around before recorded history, and today they can be used to clean teeth and practice math
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