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Question & Answer Archive

Dead Center, Picture Perfect May 25, 2008

By using basic math that most adults have long forgotten, much can be solved

Decimal Value: Location, Location, Location! May 22, 2008

By changing the way you look at a decimal question, an answer emerges

Circles, A Balanced Approach May 21, 2008

Here's an easy way to prove the magic of fancy formulas and excite students

Math Joke: One Way To Succeed May 19, 2008

Here's an old joke about a boy overcoming 'math block'

One Tip For the SAT May 12, 2008

Though there are many helpful strategies for taking the SAT, there is one which is particularly powerful and easy to use

A-Round Mother's Day May 10, 2008

Circular pancakes provide a first hands-on experience with the unique properties of circles

With Drive and Determination, Math Beats Nature! May 9, 2008

Problem-solving is real and helps in real life, even against the elements

Jump, Frog, Jump! May 9, 2008

A famous math joke about graphing the length of a frog's jump is retold

Nature is Mathematical AND Rationally Irrational May 6, 2008

In math, rational and irrational are different from their nonmath meanings, and nature is mathematical and rational

Honest Statistics can Lie May 4, 2008

Statistics rely upon interpretation for their meaning, and that's where it's important to think for yourself

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